Ajudar Os outros perceber as vantagens da politica

If this were true they would already have their proof without the need for recounts etc. Use your common sense. Sydney Powell would already be talking about this if it were true. I cannot believe how gullible people still are. Just because you wish it to be true doesn’t make it true. This writer has provided absolutely ZERO proof that the federal government issued ballots with a watermark on them. I personally will never read anything ever again written by this author. She has lost all credibility with me and many others it appears.

Trump made clear Monday evening that starting the transition, which will allow Biden to get daily security briefings and be able to communicate with the COVID taskforce, did not mean he was conceding.

10 Ways to Fool the Authorities and Escape Martial Law- A violent and horrifying life in a concentration camp is what you may face one day under martial law

A ONU declarou que o assassinato por João Alberto é exemplo triste da violência que ESTES afrodescendentes enfrentam pelo Brasil: glo.bo/39qCBDt #JN

As polícias brasileiras mataram seis vezes Muito mais que a norte-americana em 2019, sendo que 75% DE vítimas eram negras. Dados piores refletem encaminhamentos diferentes para a questãeste racial

Na semanada passada, Jair Bolsonaro causou polé especialmentemica ao afirmar qual este País do futebol deve deixar do "ser 1 país por maricas" diante da pandemia.

Trump tweets that there were 'more votes than people who voted' in certain swing states - before post is vlogdolisboa labeled as disputed by Twitter

His 2008 presidential campaign never gained momentum, jair bolsonaro filhos and he withdrew from the race after placing fifth in the Iowa Democratic caucus in January of that year. (For coverage of the 2008 election, see

Mourão atenua antidiplomacia por Bolsonaro utilizando os EUA diante do perigo do Brasil se tornar ‘criminoso do clima’

He also wants a $2tn investment in green energy, arguing that boosting green manufacturing helps working class union workers, who perform most of those jobs.

View summary · Jornal Nacional @jornalnacional 1h Ele estava na sua casa quando passou mal e foi socorrido pela empregada domfoistica. Chegou a ser atendido, porém morreu na ambulância a sinal jair bolsonaro instagram do hospital vítima de 1 infarto: glo.bo/3fzRiVM #JN

Magazine Trenta storie diverse accomunate dalla stessa passione per la libertà di stampa come impegno civile Erano giornalisti e sono morti per la verità e per i lettori

It was just a couple months ago that Alyssa Milano was calling for Republicans to be “tried for treason.” And now, just weeks removed from the election, and after years of smears and attacks, the left-wing activist and actor is ready to “extend an olive branch to Trump supporters.”

Your link to the Powell interview is also interesting, but makes no reference to an actual recount. Do you have any further sources concerning this recount? I’m sure the media would be silent on it.

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